Are you interested in welcoming new people, helping fellow volunteers learn new things and making sure that volunteers are recognised for their hard work? Then the Volunteering Development Team may be the place for you!
You can see what the team does below. As a member of the Volunteering Development Team you would only take on a small portion of the tasks that interest you. If any part of it interests you or you’d like to know more, please get in touch.
The District Volunteering Development Team makes sure all volunteers in their District have a positive and enjoyable volunteering experience. They make it easy for people to join and learn new skills.
Who do you report to?
District Volunteering Development Team Lead.
Team Tasks
Attract and welcome new volunteers to District and Group teams
- Use Scouts branded resources to attract new volunteers and show Scouts is inclusive to all.
- Reply quickly and positively to possible new volunteers.
- Make sure volunteers are welcomed easily and smoothly, including supporting volunteers to share any reasonable adjustments they may need.
- Hold inductions with Group Lead Volunteers and other Group and District Leadership Team Members.
Make sure volunteers are well supported
- Support all District teams (including Group Lead Volunteers) to follow our approach to equity, diversity and inclusion, safer volunteer recruitment, joining, reviews, and processes for leaving Scouts.
- Help and encourage Team Leaders (including Group Lead Volunteers) to have regular reviews with volunteers in their teams.
Help volunteers with learning
- Help volunteers and Young Leaders find and engage in opportunities for learning and development.
- Coordinate Scouts learning that needs to be delivered by an accredited Trainer – including coordinating and supporting the Trainers.
- Use the learning delivery materials developed by Scouts (e.g. training sessions, workshops, activities, etc.), and make changes (when necessary) so activities are accessible for everyone.
- Help volunteers connect across the District and beyond to learn, share best practices and overcome shared challenges.
- Set up learning opportunities with external organisations (if relevant and helpful).
- Make sure volunteers can be recognised for prior learning and experience, and have it credited in their records.
- Learn from people in other Volunteering Development Teams.
Recognise volunteers
- Recognise and appreciate volunteers for their brilliant work, formally and informally.
If you are interested, fill out the form below and mention the role and location you are interested.